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Archives of Iranian Medicine

Source type: Journal Print ISSN: 1029-2977
Publisher: Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran Electronic ISSN: 1735-3947
  • Medicine




Year P IPP SNIP % self cit
2003 63 0.00 0.00 0.0%
2004 128 0.11 0.17 0.0%
2005 191 0.15 0.18 10.7%
2006 193 0.15 0.27 27.6%
2007 223 0.22 0.20 10.4%
2008 266 0.53 0.40 5.7%
2009 321 0.73 0.68 7.7%
2010 331 0.97 0.73 6.8%
2011 326 0.99 0.84 3.4%
2012 292 1.31 0.99 3.1%
2013 357 1.25 0.87 7.8%
2014 409 1.13 0.75 3.9%
2015 484 1.34 0.80 6.9%
2016 449 1.50 1.00 6.5%
2017 434 1.50 0.88 7.5%
2018 412 1.29 0.73 2.4%
2019 358 1.25 0.71 2.2%
2020 292 1.48 0.90 3.7%
2021 290 2.59 0.97 2.8%
2022 330 2.34 0.92 1.8%
2023 372 1.52 0.54 1.8%